Monday, September 22, 2008

OUTLOOK - Not the Microsoft flagship software ;-)

I go thru times when my enthusiasm level is high and low and almost zero. its like a sine wave (or a cosine, since i donno the starting phase).
is it a 0 - 1 soft toggle? with gliding perceptions, like an X_Factor athlete with his board performing gyrotechnics...

when i am full of enthu, the world around me seems to be smiling down on me, i see things are pleasant and even setbacks dont set me back. a part of me does tell me i am adding virtual fuel to the enthu fire and artificially billowing it up.

sometimes i am downtrodden, forlorn and look like a lost pup not knowing why i feel that way. The world seems to mourn with me and things slowdown to a pace where i can attentively listen to slightest of sounds, if i wanted to, though ...part of me tries to find an answer to that question and part of me decides not to and rejoice the surreal feeling it generates.

either case, should i bother to know why? or enjoy the effect of it on my being? or fight against it? i know i will lose the fight as its a sine wave and before i get ready to fight, the shift of moods happen...

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