Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Unfortunately, or fortunately, having interest in something always has a time line. Involves time, investment, returns, curve, lifespan, expiry date.

Stubborn i can be, self assuring i can be, self dominating i can be, being there for something all the time, but at times, i am aware, when i am licked.

Times like those, i write-off and to please myself, i call it moving on. As, the undercurrent, is still, my active life.

Its nothing but natural. Cleansing the wound, starting from scratch, resetting the system, levelling the ground, burning the forest to create fertile land.

Opportunity (knocks rarely) exploring is like an Oil rig exploration, oil can be found, or not found. but involves drilling, expert manual labour, equipment, calamity risk buffers, and most importantly TIME.
Apart from the freely available time, which i choose to spend in GOLD Colour, I incur COST.
If i travel in time, exploration of the opportunity sometimes resembles the graph above. Writing off is purely sentimental, but when drawing the graph and planting it, it comes out as the Red dots, and invariably, it occurs,
  1. when my returns curve is sharper compared to Cost curve but gap between cost and returns is more than initial investment (for an extended period) (thats when i realize that i am bleeding profusely, to a point of no return).
  2. when my returns curve is non exponential and cost curve is exponential. (thats where i realize that i am chasing a horned rabbit)

The competition against write-offs is my ego, stubbornness, and at times seeking refuge in the deed(may call it feeling proud or drawing inspiration out of the act).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Responsibility =>> Conviction =>> Responsibility

Its always within me. The act starts after I initiate, hence being late is wrong.
I needed, I did, I am responsible. I can choose not to be, but I know I am.

Building conviction to back responsibility and breed more action, all done by me. Doesn’t matter what I do, when I do.

Result becomes immaterial, all emphasis on the time travel and what I do during my tenure. After I leave its, GAME OVER.

Should I be a part of the vicious circle knowing fully well, I am not made for running around in circles? should I bother at all?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Currently, to eek out a living for a salary, i need to colour 8 hours of my 24 hours card GOLDEN.
Well, the market and universal standards of expectation is 8 hours of work and agreed upon salary.
The circuitous, rather bending the universal rule – for me if I am highly ambitious, selling more time + effort, to get a percentage higher than the norm. But that would mean I am blissfully unaware of Business’s viewpoint.

Business sees me as golden duck with expiry date, used only to extract golden eggs and nothing else. and highest priority is given to me for enabling efficient extraction (like an oil man, who squeezes the last drop from a fly, which fell in his oil can), and two of their fav methods, time tested, are increasing sal w.r.t other normal ducks, giving higher position again w.r.t other normal ducks.

This circuitous bending of the rule is very beneficial, if the duck(me in this context) thinks its only an egg laying machine OR envisages on growing into a swan, which practically owns the lake and looks gracious going about it (owning the lake in business terms, is to become promoter to the company and get preferred stock + hefty dividend + involvement in board meets + stake sale to increase size of business)

Involvement & Allocation

Pattern of my life shifts when i get involved in something.

first thing which is taken away is a chunk of time from 24 hours daily card.

I notice it, but invariably weigh against the returns/rewards/personal gratifications/self assurancs/internal ego satisfaction and decide its better to part with time and involve more.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Colouring TIME

I get a brand new 24 hour card (actually its continuous) opening up daily.

I Colour it black when i live in thoughts, parallel universes(plans, models, expectations), feeling angry, sad or emotional etc (which are by the way artificial),

I Colour it with gold when I borrow time to do work(which I approve for converting it to money, which is needed to buy food and clothes and other needs so that I survive and not offend/depend on others),

I Colour it white when I just observe and not process the data coming in via the ports(the five senses or more).

End of coloring, I destroy it (all is useless history) and again go about time like a glider.

Personally, I want it white for a longer duration, gold for a manageable duration, black for very short duration. Black is difficult to avoid, but is useless nevertheless.

Seek and Destroy

I seek and I destroy.
i destroy the time spent during seeking
i destroy my active life during seeking
i destroy the subject's active life during seeking (contentious, but am making the subject aware more and more about my intentions, and if the subject is sensitive, will come to know sooner)
i destroy the subject's time during seeking
i destroy the subject's interests during seeking
i destroy the subject's ability to enjoy life during seeking
i destroy my own sense of being during seeking
i destroy my responsibilities during seeking
i destroy the feel, which was ignited initially, when i first identify with the subject, during seeking

well, for what its worth, seeking itself is destruction.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Perspective of Investments in one's life

My perspective of investments in one’s life.

1) Organized life (this means 8 hour job which will make you come in time go in time and a fodder for brain and body)
2) Cash cows( any investment instrument) which will give annualized returns more than your CTC
Both are important.

Cash cows – 10+ percent returns annually with liquid component more than your CTC. To make cash cows without the hassle of loans or heavy initial investments, its important to be risky for two to three years to make a corpus of around 50L to 1C. after that period, break them into three cash cows and two risky investment instruments(this time, it can be real estate or private company or company stake – we can cater to that initial investment as the corpus/5 is big enough)

Now comes the fun part. Work is like walk in the park as monthly salary becomes pocket money. We will keep it strictly to 8 hours as increments/co re makes no sense. and any time spent smoking, eating or chatting with friends doesn’t bite your consciousness as your cows & instruments are working as you go around merrily to satisfy your primal instincts (like writing, painting, philosophy, adventure(you can afford a trip to ASSAM for tea and rain), visit to buddies place, writing blogs, patenting one’s thoughts, learning natural techniques by visiting our natives). Its only one life we got after all said and done…

OUTLOOK - Not the Microsoft flagship software ;-)

I go thru times when my enthusiasm level is high and low and almost zero. its like a sine wave (or a cosine, since i donno the starting phase).
is it a 0 - 1 soft toggle? with gliding perceptions, like an X_Factor athlete with his board performing gyrotechnics...

when i am full of enthu, the world around me seems to be smiling down on me, i see things are pleasant and even setbacks dont set me back. a part of me does tell me i am adding virtual fuel to the enthu fire and artificially billowing it up.

sometimes i am downtrodden, forlorn and look like a lost pup not knowing why i feel that way. The world seems to mourn with me and things slowdown to a pace where i can attentively listen to slightest of sounds, if i wanted to, though ...part of me tries to find an answer to that question and part of me decides not to and rejoice the surreal feeling it generates.

either case, should i bother to know why? or enjoy the effect of it on my being? or fight against it? i know i will lose the fight as its a sine wave and before i get ready to fight, the shift of moods happen...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Times when i was young and my spacial awareness was small (best e.g - when I visited my Grandma/pa place during school days once every year, i realized the size of the house kept getting smaller in 3 - D - funny but never bothered to question the reason.), i was constantly entangled to find out personally assuring answers to many questions. I was also contantly pushed around by academics, manners, teachings, exam worries, and of course my questions. carrying all that in my little RAM was quite a task and always confusing to select one of the issues and dwelve on it.

some of them were,
1) where does life comes from
i got one answer from a farmer (owner of neighbouring fields of my grandpa) in the form of a question. he said, if it rains on top of a mountain, a pool of water is formed at many places. if you visit it after three days, you see lots of tiny little fish and tadpoles swimming around their pool. he asked me to observe one and after i confirmed his statement, he asked me why did that happen?
2) why do i want to do something
3) why do i need something
my personal answer to this one - i need nothing more than food, water and sleep. others are begot by the answer to question 2.

Overtime, when my spacial awareness more or less stagnated, i realized i was hunting at the wrong end. Why did it stop reducing?

should i buy astronomical binoculars(those CELESTRON SKYMASTER 15X70 or NIKON ActionExtreme 10X50) and start gazing the night sky to see heavenly objects and then move onto a telescope to see stars by sitting in the living room and projecting the output on the wall? and then the spacial awareness starts unwinding and follow another trend?

or should i simply stop bothering both about spacial awareness and tormenting questions(they are tormenting only when i re read them in my mind, recollect previous answers and waste more time ;-) )

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Share or Keep

I walk, i see/hear/touch/feel something which makes me forget my presence during that point in time. needless to say, i feel ecstatic.

When i feel ecstatic, should i immediately try to device a method to broadcast or feel to obey the urge of letting anyone know how i felt it? or let anyone try and feel ecstatic themselves.
should i keep it in memory and rejoice by recalling it several times (at least more than once, or is there a rule to know the count :-) )

is it again a 1 - 0 case?
is there something in between?
case 1 - share - doesnt it mean, i am a subject or a puppet, which is supposed to pass on pleasurable things to beings around. so that the vast kingdom of living things and non living things are benefited. or am i a puppet(in the case when i am in a rage), going around breaking non living things and killing living things, for the sake of environment or ecosystem benefit.
case 0 - keep - doesnt it mean, i miss something else during recall? does it also means i am automatically outcast for being taken as "lost within self" tag?
1 - 0 what is in between - Should I try and find out whether i am in between? or ppl i meet and see are in between?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Future savvy or Past indulge

Either case, i am drawn into a closet and miss the water running from a tap nearby.

To know whether i am in a closet - do i need a tap nearby - moving things nearby. suppose i am inside a room with non moving objects around, will i know i am in a shell?

which is better?

1) knowing every body around --> everytime i go around, i see ppl i know or ppl who know me

2) not knowing everybody around?

is there a case in between? when i say in between, is it maths, is it 0 - 1 case?

is there a 0 - 1 case in real and practical world? if not, are there levels in between?

Have i created the levels in between?

to know that, should i bother about the basis of conclusion or the conclusion itself?

Should i bother at all or ignore?

what is happening when i bother and what happens when i ignore? which involves more time?

when i talk time,