Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Unfortunately, or fortunately, having interest in something always has a time line. Involves time, investment, returns, curve, lifespan, expiry date.

Stubborn i can be, self assuring i can be, self dominating i can be, being there for something all the time, but at times, i am aware, when i am licked.

Times like those, i write-off and to please myself, i call it moving on. As, the undercurrent, is still, my active life.

Its nothing but natural. Cleansing the wound, starting from scratch, resetting the system, levelling the ground, burning the forest to create fertile land.

Opportunity (knocks rarely) exploring is like an Oil rig exploration, oil can be found, or not found. but involves drilling, expert manual labour, equipment, calamity risk buffers, and most importantly TIME.
Apart from the freely available time, which i choose to spend in GOLD Colour, I incur COST.
If i travel in time, exploration of the opportunity sometimes resembles the graph above. Writing off is purely sentimental, but when drawing the graph and planting it, it comes out as the Red dots, and invariably, it occurs,
  1. when my returns curve is sharper compared to Cost curve but gap between cost and returns is more than initial investment (for an extended period) (thats when i realize that i am bleeding profusely, to a point of no return).
  2. when my returns curve is non exponential and cost curve is exponential. (thats where i realize that i am chasing a horned rabbit)

The competition against write-offs is my ego, stubbornness, and at times seeking refuge in the deed(may call it feeling proud or drawing inspiration out of the act).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Responsibility =>> Conviction =>> Responsibility

Its always within me. The act starts after I initiate, hence being late is wrong.
I needed, I did, I am responsible. I can choose not to be, but I know I am.

Building conviction to back responsibility and breed more action, all done by me. Doesn’t matter what I do, when I do.

Result becomes immaterial, all emphasis on the time travel and what I do during my tenure. After I leave its, GAME OVER.

Should I be a part of the vicious circle knowing fully well, I am not made for running around in circles? should I bother at all?